Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cultural Learnings From America's Hat

Culinary defication
So there I was enjoying a loud beverage at a local watering hole when up comes this lovely young bar wench. After the mandatory small talk concerning issues such as the weather and how the local sports team is performing she asks if I'd like something to eat. Despite not being particularly hungry the bar wench is pretty fit and I figure the longer I parlay with her the greater my chances of discovering if she is a natural blonde. I therefore respond in the affirmative before asking what she'd recommend.

So then, Fit Bar Wench Whom I am Keen To Discover The Natural Hair Colour Of says "how about a bowl of poo-teen?". Note the italics indicate the phonetic pronunciation of the word. More on this later. So there I am. Faced with a word the meaning of which I am entirely unfamiliar with yet containing potential comic value my brain moves into witty retort mode. Possible responses included:
  • "that sounds like sh!t" to
  • "so your washroom (Candian term for dunny/crapper/toilet/etc) doubles as the kitchen does it?" and finally
  • "is that what the girls in Two Girls, One Cup were eating?".
That final thought was my downfall. Mental flash backs to the Two Girls video overcame my mental faculties. I don't think I even said a word. I actually think I blacked out. The next thing I knew was I had the cheque for my drinks and Fit Bar Wench Whom I am Keen To Discover The Natural Hair Colour Of is standing over by the bar giving me a weird look. Suffice to say I never did find out if she was a natural blonde.

Sorry if this tangent ended abruptly and with no real conclusion. I got distracted by this Swedish bird (non avian variety). They are known for being distracting. The Australian government is in fact considering making it illegal for Swedish women to be within 10 metres of a road unless they are dressed in full burqa style body coverings. It is estimated that motoring accidents decrease by 24.82% if this law were introduced. Anyway, for more context see this wikipedia entry on poutine. Turns out it's not a pile of crap and is actually a very tasty way to serve chips (French fries for our North American friends or frites for our European colleagues).

Jafas and Trade Unions
If Canada is America's Hat then Australian's must be the hair lice on America's scalp. They are everywhere and often considered to be pests that you have to treat with chemicals (i.e. alcohol) to keep them in control. Yes, as a proud Australian it pains me to say it but we seem to have exported a large amount of our bogans and douche bags to Canada. Australia's gain. Canada's loss. If you are a fan of baggy snowboard pants with the crotch worn down around shin height and likely to give the Royal Canadian Mounted Police opportunity to exercise their jurisdictional powers then you'll fit right in. To give you an idea of just how prevalent Aussies are over here, Vegemite is stocked in your local supermarket. Further damning evidence of the plague like nature of Australians in Canada can be seen in the fact that there is a noticeable spike in public nudity, affray, racism, general dickheadery, and other alcohol related crimes on January 26th each year. Australia Day. I tender the following evidence:
8am. 30 minutes before opening time.
Ten Seconds Later
Minus 10 degrees Celsius

What with the best and brightest of Australia on show it's no wonder the locals came up with a pejorative acronym for Australians. Jafa. Just Another F*cking Australian. Ouch. That hurts Canada. Yet despite this seeming animosity towards Aussies, there is a strange symbiotic relationship between Canada and it's Australian guests. One can't live without the other. Like young lovers in the Velcro stage of their relationship (think of the similarities between Velcro and pubic hair) the two are inseparable. To the uninitiated outsider on their first trip to Canada it would be fair assumption that the ski resorts of Canada actually exist in Australia. Every second mountain worker has a name badge saying "Hi, I'm Wayne/Sheila/Norm/Bazza/etc from Australia". Australians seem to be Canada's equivalent of wet back Mexican labour in the US. Everyone complains about them but love the fact they are prepared to do the jobs Canadian's don't want to do themselves. Hell, at $12 per hour even a bogan Australian is pretty good value. This whole situation got me thinking that there would be a fantastic business opportunity for the Trade Union movement here. I've got a mind to come over and start up a union and hold the mountain to ransom. The place would collapse faster than a Latin American. I'd call it the Australian Ski and Snowfield Hospitality Operations Licensing and Extended Services Union (ASSHOLES).

Dope = munchies = rug munching?

Pugilistic Stoners
You would be forgiven for thinking that boxing is the number one sport amongst disaffected youth in Canada today. Why? Because I say so. And because all the kids are talking about is punching cones. Work sucks man...let's go punch some cones bro. My snowboard pants are like way baggy...let's go punch some cones bro. It's raining...let's go punch some cones bro. It's Wednesday...let's go punch some cones bro. After repeatedly telling people they are not American whilst holidaying overseas, getting stoned would appear to be Canada's national pastime. They certainly put our Dutch friends to shame. What with quality stores like BC Smoke Shop (who are sponsoring today's blog) it may not be totally legal to light up but we are sure as hell going to make it as easy as possible for you to inhale.

A is more than the indefinite article
Canadians have bastardised the Queen's English. The word "eh" (pronounced like the letter A) appears at the end of most sentences. The only use I can ascertain for it is to communicate to the other participants in the conversation that one has finished speaking and is likely awaiting a response. It's like using the word "over" when communicating via short wave radio. Over. An average conversation would go something like this.
Canadian 1: Hey bro.
Canadian 2: Hey man.
Canadian 1: So how aboot that ice hockey eh?
Canadian 2: Oh I missed it because I was stoned eh.
Canadian 1: Oh you got anymore eh?
Canadian 2: Eh bro sure do eh.
Canadian 1: Let's go punch some cones eh bro.
Canadian 2: Eh.

I'm oot
So then. Canada. Recommended if you're a stoner with no care for correct grammar who likes vegemite. I'm going to go punch some cones now eh.


  1. Love it!
    I'm always happy when people notice that the USA does not have the monopoly on douche-baggery.
    Trash is trash, we just all have different nicknames for them.

  2. So true Big Jim. In Australia the term Bogan is probably most widely used to refer to one who possesses douchebag qualities. Westie (referring to geographic location a douchebag) was a popular term for a while but given the Sydney centric nature of the term Bogan seems to have supplanted it in recent times.

    For a UK reference I'd think Chav is a good start to stereotype a douchebag. See below for evidence:

  3. I've been there a few times, never heard of vegemite, and luckily it was free of Australians - possessors of hands down the single most annoying (and funniest) accent in the world. I mean, really, can you imagine an Australian in any position of authority (outside of Australia where they can unfortunately only choose from Australians)? A scientist? A great military leader? No. What a shit hole country. The main reason why it might seem only douchebags are exported (a great many it seems to the United States as well) it's because the country is composed almost entirely of douches. What can you expect from a country whose population is descended from the garbage of Europe?

  4. I am glad I provoked a response from you Tom for you've demonstrated some of the archetypal qualities of a douchebag. Those being, in this instance, ignorance and xenophobia. I dare say you're also a fan of NASCAR and professional wrestling or the equivalent sports in your country of origin (donkey racing maybe?). A true credit to your country.

    To wrap this riposte up let me quote you a few facts about Australia which will simultaneously prove your opinion of Australia and Australians wrong, and also demonstrate your intellectual brilliance (note the sarcasm there Tom):
    • Two Man Booker Prize winners – that means we have some people who write real good Tom
    • 10 Nobel Laureates – we has smart people in Australia Tom
    • 13th largest economy in the world when measured by nominal GDP
    • 68% of GDP is generated in the services sector – we are not all bumpkin farmers or miners; shock horror!
    • 4.5% unemployment
    • 2nd United Nations 2009 Human Development Index and
    • 6th in The Economist worldwide quality-of-life index

    Not bad for a country of 22.6 million people made up of Europe’s garbage (the final statement of which I can’t even be bothered to go into disproving).

    Hmm, when I think about it I should thank you Tom for reminding me just what a great place Australia is. Thanks mate.
